Boyd K Packer Read the Book of Mormon

Belongings up a first-edition of the Book of Mormon, printed in 1830 at the E.B. Grandin Company in Palmyra, N.Y., President Boyd K. Packer spoke Sun morning of the 108,936,922 copies that accept since been printed — in 62 languages, with selections of it in another 37 languages and 22 more than linguistic communication translations in process.

"At present 60,000 total-fourth dimension missionaries in 162 countries pay their own way and devote 2 years of their lives to testify that the Book of Mormon is truthful," said President Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve. "For generations it has inspired those who read it."

President Packer then recounted the life and missionary experiences of Herbert Schreiter, who was released as a prisoner of war after World War 2 and returned to his wife and daughters in Leipzig, Germany. Before long thereafter, he went as a missionary to Bernburg, Deutschland. "He thought of what he had to offer the war-devastated people. He printed by manus a placard which read, 'Will in that location be a further life afterwards death?' and posted information technology on a wall."

Before long, the placard drew the attention of the family of 4-year-onetime Manfred Schutze. They had come from Poland to Bernburg. The family had suffered profoundly and lost loved ones. They soon learned of the Book of Mormon, which gave them the answers they sought virtually life after death. "They joined the Church building. Shortly their lives inverse."

President Packer related how after he was released from the air strength, he went to the welfare factory at Kaysville, Utah, to fill bags of wheat for shipment to starving people in Europe. "I like to think ane of the bags of grain that I filled myself went to Manfred Schutze and his mother. . . .

"Elder Dieter Uchtdorf, who sits with usa on the stand today as one of the Seventy, remembers to this very day the odour of the grain and the feel of it in his footling-boy hands. Perhaps, one of the bags I filled reached his family."

President Packer then spoke of his attempts when he was younger to read the Book of Mormon. "I did not read information technology all until I was on a troop transport with other bomber crew members, headed for the war in the Pacific. I determined that I would read the Book of Mormon and notice out for myself whether it is true or not. Advisedly I read and reread the volume. I tested the promise that it contained. That was a life-irresolute event. After that, I never set the book aside."

Continuing, President Packer declared: "In a world ever more than dangerous than the world of little Manfred Schutze and Dieter Uchtdorf, The Volume of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ has the nourishing power to heal starving spirits of the earth.

Sister missionary enjoys conference atmosphere.
Sister missionary enjoys conference temper. Credit: Photograph past Jeffrey D. Allred

"Manfred Schutze is now a member of the Third Quorum of the Seventy and supervises our seminaries in Eastern Europe. His mother, at present 88, still attends the temple in Freiberg where Herbert Schreiter one time served as a counselor to the president.

"With Elderberry Walter F. González, a new member of the Seventy from Uruguay, I attended a conference in Moroni, Utah, a town with a Volume of Mormon name. At that place is no doctor or dentist in Moroni. They must leave boondocks to store for groceries. Their students are bused to a consolidated loftier school across the valley.

"We held a meeting with 236 present. Lest Elder Gonzlez see only ordinary rural farmers, I gave this judgement of testimony: 'I know the gospel is true and that Jesus is the Christ.' I asked if someone could repeat information technology in Spanish. Several hands went up. Could someone echo it in another language? Information technology was repeated in: Japanese, Spanish, High german, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Tongan, Italian, Tagalog, Dutch, Finnish, Maori, Polish, Korean, French — xv languages.

"Once more in English: I know the gospel is true and that Jesus is the Christ.

"I honey this Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Study it and one can sympathise both the Former Testament and the New Attestation in the Bible. I know it is truthful.

"In this 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, printed by 23-twelvemonth-old Egbert B. Grandin for 23-year-old Joseph Smith, Junior, I read from page 105: 'We talk of Christ, nosotros rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and nosotros write co-ordinate to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may expect for a remission of their sins.'

"And that is exactly what we practice.' "


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