How to Draw Mary Our Mother Easy

2 minutes


Marlicia Fernandez shares ideas on how we can draw closer to Mary, and honor our Blessed Mother during the month of May, Mary's month!

Mother's day is celebrated all around the world. Here, in the United States, it is celebrated in the month of May, usually on the second Sunday.

Flowers and cards are sent and we might take Mom out to dinner. We make every effort to show our love and appreciation for our mothers on this special day.

But there is another Mother we Catholics traditionally honor, not only on one special day in May, but for the entire month.

We honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus. How can we honor our heavenly mother in the way she deserves?

Draw Closer to Mary

First, we should to draw closer to Mary, get to know her better.

Most of us are familiar with many of her titles, such as Our Lady of Grace, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Mother of Divine Grace, Mary Queen of Apostles, Mary, Queen of Angels, Mary, Help of Christians.

This is only a partial list of the most well-known titles. There are several others, from the easily recognized to the obscure.

But what do we know about the titles and why they were given to Our Lady? It might be fun to take a few popular, and a few of the more obscure titles, and research them to gain more insight into our Blessed Mother and her relationship to us.


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We all think we know Mary, but have we really thought about what life must have been like for her as a 14 or 15 year-old girl?

How must she have felt when she heard the Angel's message? Was she frightened? How did her life change after her fiat?

How would others have viewed her once they realized she had conceived before her marriage?

Did people whisper and stare, or shake their heads? Did she know or suspect all the possible consequences of her response before she said "yes" to God?

We have all faced difficult decisions whose full ramifications may have been hidden from us.

Thinking about Mary's monumental choice and her trustful abandonment to the will of God, no matter what the cost, should deepen our love and respect for she who held nothing back from He Who asked. How can we help but honor her?

Where can we start?

1. Make Mary a Mother's day card.

Little ones particularly enjoy this, but a child is never too old to give a card to his mother.

2. Attend a May crowning.

It there isn't one scheduled, consider planning one for the parish or just for the family.

3. Set up a Marian Shrine.

It can be a family shrine or individuals within the home can have their own little shrines. Keep a flower or plant and maybe a candle on the shrine. Make frequent visits during the month.

4. Plant a Mary Garden.

This can be a student or family project. Research the flowers associated with the Blessed Mother and plant them in honor of her.

Place a statue of Our Lady in the Center of the Garden. It doesn't have to be a large garden, maybe just a flowering plant or two with a small statue.

More information on Mary Gardens, including their history, can be found online at sites like, and at EWTN.

Visit a Marian Shrine or Church. For those that are not near a Shrine or Marian Church, consider a virtual tour. I have listed a couple below:

  • Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption
  • Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

5. Marian Devotions

Practice a Marian devotion or prayer such as the Rosary, the wearing a scapular or of a miraculous medal as a family or as a home school.

6. Be Creative

Write a prayer or poem honoring the Blessed Virgin.

Don't forget to ask for her help when you need it. She is Our Lady Help of Christians, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Mediatrix of All Graces.

She wants to help us. How better to honor her than to ask her to obtain the graces we need from her Divine Son and to thank her for graces received?


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Header Image CC dinoboy

assumtion day fernandez marlicia mary may mother 2014-04-28


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