Funny High School Back to School

Looking for some hilarious back-to-school photo ideas to kick off the new year? Check out some of these photo ideas below to celebrate with laughter(and excitement) this school year!

For some parents, the back-to-school season is a difficult time. For others… not so much. Okay, we all miss our kids, but there's something to be said for having a little time to ourselves. You know… time to go to the bathroom without being asked 20 questions through the door?


13 Hilarious Back To School Photo Ideas To Try

Classic back-to-school pictures are normally cute and sweet but I personally wanted to try something different. This year, try something new by taking funny back-to-school pictures! If you're not quite sure what I mean, here are 13 hilarious back-to-school photo ideas to try this school year.

On a serious note (for just a moment), don't miss our 100+ School Lunch Ideas. Your kids will never be bored with lunch again!

Funny Back to School Photo Ideas

From parents celebrating to kids showing off their true despair, these back-to-school photo ideas made me laugh out loud!

I know they'll make you laugh too – and inspire your own funny crazy photos.

1. Shove The Kids Into The Vehicle On Their First Day Back To School

Got kiddos who clearly don't want to go back to school? Too bad! Bring in the big guns, the muscular dad. This dad is having none of it and don't we just love this funny photo of dad pushing his kids into the vehicle.

One way or another, the kiddos have to report for the first day of back-to-school.

back to school photo ideas - dad pushing 3 kids into car

2. Winning Back To School Photo Idea – Mom Can't Contain Her Excitement

How about being that mom who's jumping for joy that it's time for the kids to go back to school. We don't blame her, but we're sure that she misses them (a little)! It's funny how the kids can't believe their mom was this happy to get them back to school.

I see myself totally rocking this back-to-school idea and my kids being genuinely sad. Not so much about going back to school but at how much fun I seem to be having through the fact that it's time for them to go back to school.

100% Me time, here I come!

back to school photo ideas - mom jumping for joy while her kids stand in the background

3. Dad's Catching Air In This Hilarious Back To School Photo Idea

Just when you thought these back-to-school photo ideas couldn't get funnier, here's one of a dad jumping for joy. We've got to hand it to him. His excitement is contagious! And the kids' faces just make it way too funnier.

back to school photo ideas - ad jumping for joy while the kids stand there unhappy to go back to school

4. I Won't Let Go of the Doorknob! The Funniest Back To School Photo Ideas

Summer just. can't. be. over. Not yet! This kid has barely made it past the door. In this crazy back-to-school photo, Dad will pry him off eventually. I just know it. But it's funny how the kid is fully dressed, backpack in place yet he won't have anything with this business of going back-to-school…OMG!

PS: Make sure no kids are harmed when taking this back-to-school photo, otherwise the kid will have worn this round.

back to school photo ideas - kid hanging on to the doorknob for dear life while dad pulls him off to go back to school

5. Did You Say Back To School? She Wants to Learn…Nothing

You know those fun surveys you can do with your kids at the start of each school year? Sometimes they turn up hilarious answers. Her written answer and face say it all. Now, how do we take this one who says she wants to learn nothing, back to school?

Any takers? I'm paying and paying handsomely because there's simply no way I'll be the one to be stared at by this face all the way to school.

back to school photo ideas - photo collage of girl with her paper that says she wants to learn nothing in first grade

6. Parents Throwing Their Back-To-School Party? Funny Photo Idea

Ain't no party like the back-to-school party… for the parents, anyway! And the kids are anything but amused. We just can't help but laugh at this other very funny photo idea.

back to school photo ideas -  2 parents celebrate back to school while 4 kids stand there looking unhappy

7. Pop That Champagne In Side-Splitting Back To School Photo Ideas

This dad couldn't be happier to be sending his kids back to school and he just had to pop the bubbly. It's time to celebrate, y'all!

Though I can't help myself from laughing at the mixed reactions on the kid's faces. It clearly is a varied bag of emotions when back-to-school rolls around.

back to school photo ideas - Dad pops the bubbly while kids look on in disbelief

8. Signs Can Add Humor – Comical Back To School Photo Idea

Okay, I'll admit that I was a total wreck on my son's first day of preschool. This "Stop crying, mom" sign would have been totally appropriate! How adorable is this little kid who seems all excited for his first day of school?

Plus, the sign takes an adorable picture and adds humor – just what I needed to dry up those tears.

back to school photo ideas - Preschooler holding a sign that says "stop crying mom"

9. First Day of School Mugshot In Ridiculously Funny Photo Idea

Is your kidreally dreading going back to school? Perhaps this back-to-school mugshot suits him or her to a tee.

This is one of those photo ideas that you'll both look back on and smile at for years to come!

back to school photo ideas - first day of school mugshot photo collage

10. Capture The Moment – Gut-Busting Back-To-School Photo Idea

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? It definitely is in this case. Capture the feelings of the moment.

When your kid just isn't feeling it, there's nothing better than snapping a picture of utter despair. She'll think it's funny in a few years… hopefully.

back to school photo ideas  - little girl face down on the floor in despair

11. Bring Out the Mimosas – This Back To School Photo Idea Is A Hoot!

OMG! This is super hilarious! These parents couldn't even wait for the school bus to leave their driveway before starting their back-to-school celebrations. Is that even a thing now? Back-to-school celebration for the parents?

Anyway. It's all high five! Summer vacation is finally over. Bring out those mimosas!

back to school photo ideas - parents celebrating with high fives and drinks as kids get on the school bus

12. When Reality Hits – Back To School Photo Idea Is A Side-Splitter

Clearly, the second day of school isn't nearly as fun as the first day! That magic wears off quickly in the early morning hours when all you want to do is stay in your nice, cozy bed. Play with your toys when you want to. And hope that mom will be around to dote only on you.

Was the lack of personalized attention in school a bit too much for this pre-schooler to take? This funny back-to-school photo collage confirms that it's just about right. Poor kiddo!

back to school photo ideas - first day versus second day pictures

14. Sometimes It's Just A Difference of Opinion – Humorous Photo Idea

Bye, Felicia! Looks like this Kindergartner doesn't find it nearly as funny as we parents do. This photo makes me smile from ear to ear. And it's funnier that mum can't wait for the kid to be gone because mum already has her glass and drinks ready to celebrate as soon as the kid is on the school bus.

This mum seems to be having way too much fun with this back-to-school photo…Starbucks coffee and drinks? Too funny!

back to school photo ideas - mom holding sign that says "bye Felicia" and an unhappy child sitting on the steps

Crazy Back To School Photos Are Just One Option

If your creativity isn't up to the task of coming up with hilarious photos, you can take a different approach.

How can you announce to the world that it's back to school time without having such crazy photos? While fun photos are awesome, here are a few other great ways that you can have back-to-school photo fun without going all out.

15. Group Hugs All-Around

I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are the best because they are beginnings – Jenny Han

Maybe your crew is actually a little sad about going back to school. Take this time to get picture proof that everyone does love each other.

Group hug it out (like the Tanners in Full House) and snap that picture for evidence later.

16. Have Them Stand Next to a Ruler to Measure Height

While they might seem short to you, they're kind of a big deal.

Get their first day of school photos taken as proof of just how big they really were at the start of the year compared to the end of the year. You'll be amazed at the difference!

17. Peace Out, Mom

Maybe your kids are excited, maybe they aren't…but having them throw you the deuces as they're getting on the bus just might be one of the most simple (and cutest) back-to-school photo ideas, ever.

No tears, just peace, and love. See ya at 3, Mom!

18. Chalk It Out On The Sidewalk

Those school expenses do add up eventually. Why not save the money on buying something and instead head out to your driveway and use sidewalk chalk to write the grade that they're going into. Then, have your child pose and get your picture taken. Easy as that!

Final Thoughts on Back to School Pictures

These are just a few simple back-to-school photo ideas that anyone can do! Go for adorable and sweet…or go for crazy and funny.

Either way is a great memory. But the funny, crazy photos will tell a story and bring a smile to your face for years to come.

Now with the kids back at school, go enjoy drinking your coffee before it gets cold!

Share your fun back-to-school photo ideas!

3-photo collage of 13 BACK-TO-SCHOOL PHOTO ideas you have to try! Mother holding a 'Bye Felicia' sign while upset daughter is seated on step with own sign of her first day at school, dad prying kid off the door, and dad popping the champagne in celebration of his kids first day back to school.

Here Are More Picture Ideas You Might Want To See:

  • 17 Traditions for Celebrating Back-to-School
  • 18 Winning Senior Picture Ideas for Guys

  • Back to School Hacks Moms Will Love
  • 23 Stunning Senior Picture Ideas for Girls


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